Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A Great Perspective on the Future of Education


As I reflect on the future of education at my own school, I have been searching for resources that align with the thinking that education as we know it will not continue to be. I spoke to a colleague the other day, and, excluding technology integration, we are teaching the same way we were taught. Things may be digital, work products may be digital, and the resources are more vast, but we are still asking students to sit at a desk, read text, answer questions, and complete assessments. 

Why is this still true for the majority of US schools? (No stats, just opinion.)

We have so many opportunities to individualize learning. 

My school is moving forward and trying to make changes to our high school. As I see it, in 5 years, things are expected to look very different. Students could already find answers online before ChatGPT just handed them to them. Rote homework has no place in classrooms today. The ones who know it may do it. The ones that don't won't do it or will cheat. What is the purpose?

So let's change it up!

Watch this video on Machine Learning, AI, and the Future of Education and see what you think.

Monday, November 27, 2023

A Quick Video for Gmail Unsubscribe Filter


A quick video on how to get move unsubscribe emails to one label and quickly delete. I took care of those 481 emails under that label in less than 30 minutes. It did not move everything there, but it did move a lot!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

AI Tools for Administrators

This post is a follow-up to my presentation at the League of Christian Schools conference in November 2023.

I am linking everything to this post to make it easier to access the tools introduced. 

Let me know what tools you think are best:


Canva for Educators


Google Task

How to make an email filter on Google Gmail

Here is my own video for filter unsubscribe emails



Chaton AI

Best if you are taking graduate-level coursework:






Resources for your teachers:

Eduaide AI




Canva for Educators

MagicSchool AI

Pinterest, with even more resources

Affiliate Links on Blog

I wanted to be transparent and upfront about a practice on my blog that supports its maintenance and growth. You may find links to various p...