Sunday, August 21, 2022

Teacher Appreciation "You Lift Us Up"- Christian School Community

This past spring, we celebrated teacher appreciation week one week later than most schools.  I forget why we had to delay it, but the actual week, wasn't going to work out.

We traditionally celebrate staff appreciation instead of teacher appreciation because it is too hard to distinguish between the groups when doing food, gifts, etc.  And it is just fun to celebrate together!

I found a similar idea on Pinterest and made this flyer using Canva:

The goal was to have some type of food each day.  Families donated using Sign Up Genius for many of the days. The Whoop Whoop cart was exciting as we traveled around campus with music blaring.  

Various clubs and organizations added in special treats, notes, etc for staff throughout the week as well.

The goal of course is to help all staff feel lifted up and appreciated, especially through the tough month of May.  Community building is always good and these ideas could be used any time throughout the year.

How do you celebrate your staff?

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